
Itsycal / Date & Time Patterns

For an overview about customizing your menu bar, see Menu Bar Customization.

Itsycal can optionally accept a datetime pattern which it will use to show the current date and/or time next to its icon in the menu bar. Here are some examples:

Pattern Result
h:mm 9:54
E h:mm Fri 9:54
EEEE h:mm a Friday 9:54 PM
E, MMM d h:mm a Fri, Jan 13 9:54 PM
E, d-MMM H:mm Fri, 13-Jan 21:54
h:mm ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ 9:54 ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

The table below shows some of the most useful characters used in datetime patterns. Characters may be used multiple times. For example, if y is used for the year, yy might produce 17 whereas yyyy produces 2017. For most numerical fields, the number of characters specifies the field width. For example, if h is the hour, h might produce 5 but hh produces 05. For some characters, the count specifies whether an abbreviated or full form should be used.

Symbol Occurrences Example
Year y 1..n 1996
Month M 1..2 09
3 Sept
4 September
5 S
Week of Year w 1..2 27
Week of Month W 1 3
Day of the Month d 1..2 31
Day of the Year D 1..3 346
Day of the Week E 1..3 Tues
4 Tuesday
5 T
AM or PM a 1 AM
Hour [1-12] h 1..2 11
Hour [0-23] H 1..2 13
Minute m 1..2 59

Two single quotes (eg. '') represents a literal single quote, either inside or outside single quotes. Text within single quotes is not interpreted in any way (eg. 'o''clock' is replaced with o'clock). Otherwise all ASCII letters from a-z and A-Z are reserved as syntax characters, and require quoting if they are to represent literal characters.

A full description of datetime patterns can be found in the Unicode Local Data Markup Language.